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The Law Offices of Ricky Malik, P.C.

4th Circuit: False claim to U.S. Citizenship on I-9 is material misrepresentation

The Fourth Circuit, in an appeal of a criminal case, upheld a conviction for false claim of citizenship on an I-9 Form.  An I-9 is the form anyone seeking employment in the United States, and their employers, must complete in order to work.  In this case a former TPS holder’s misrepresentation as a U.S. Citizen on the I-9 was deemed material.  US v. Garcia-Ochoa, 607 F. 3d 371:

See also the Board of Immigration Appeals Decision in Matter of Olga BARCENAS-BARRERA, Cite as 25 I&N Dec. 40 (BIA 2009) holding that An alien who willfully and knowingly makes a false representation of birth in the United States on a passport application is inadmissible under section 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(6)(C)(ii) (2006), for making a false representation of United States citizenship.

Ricky Malik, Esq.

Focused on Clear Solutions Our firm is committed to simplifying your immigration process

Mr. Malik has always been a tireless advocate for the rights of immigrants in the United States, and has aggressively and relentlessly advocated on behalf of countless businesses and individuals.

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